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Book Club

We come together as a community to learn, grow and discover our full potential through non-fiction books that offer a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experience. The best part about the SYKM Book Club is that you can show up if you've read the book or not and still gain insight and empowerment so you can take back your power. 

Discover • Learn • Grow

Together with the SYKM Community! 

We're Starting a Book Club

For the SYKM Community and Live Life Happy Cafe Members

Join us and start putting knowledge into practice immediately so you can take back your power?


Each month, we will:


  • Read a great book to inspire and build us up.

  • Meet with a group of like-minded individuals.

  • Be encouraged, challenged, and inspired.

  • Have new ideas and action steps to move forward.

  • Have fun with the SYKM community!

Image by Headway


Image by Christina @


Image by CURVD®



If you are interested in the book summary, sign up even if the time does not work for you, and you will receive a direct link to the recording and summary after the book club!!

Image by Toa Heftiba

Each month, we announce the book of the month.

We'll spend the month reading it (or not)- and as you read, we kindly ask that you capture:  


  1. An overview- a short description of the book that provides general information-a general summary 

  2. Key take-ways-main points or key messages taught, learned or understood

  3. The eureka effect- (also known as the Aha! moment)-your discovery, inspiration, or insight while reading.


Host Andrea Seydel will create a mindmap with key insights, take-ways, and a-ha's. Of course, we will have a lively discussion, break-out groups and opportunities to put the knowledge into action.  


The best part is, if you miss one of the Book Clubs or didn't have the chance to read, you will still get an excellent summary of the empowering book content!




We'll meet virtually (via Zoom) to chat about the book at the beginning of each month! Times will vary for our international community. 


The book club is Included with LIve Life Happy Cafe Membership and Participants of The Signature SYKM Resilience Program. Not A Member? Do you want to join the Resilience Course or learn about Live Life Happy Cafe? Don't worry. We made it accessible. You can join for as little as $12.99. 

Image by Jonathan Borba


Fierce Self Compassion Book Summary


UnknowNo Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholenessn-4.png

How it works

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